

Braveheart Animal Rescue Inc. is a nonprofit corporation, organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes -- specifically to:

Rescue animals from local animal shelters, focusing on "Code Red" (at-risk and injured) animals in need of immediate attention;
Educate the public on the importance of Spay & Neuter programs and all the low-cost options available in our community.

We further our purposes under this program by conducting the following activities: We rescue unwanted, abandoned, injured, or ill companion animals -- primarily from "high kill" shelters and owner surrenders. We place these animals in foster homes where they can receive proper veterinary care, rehabilitation, and rest in order to prepare them to go to their forever homes. Our intention is to work within our community and educate pet owners on the importance of spaying and neutering their companion animals in order to assist with the reduction of unwanted animals. We will also focus on programs that educate both our community and potential adopters on the fact that animals are a lifelong commitment -- and to help them realistically prepare for that commitment.

We will hold adoption events at local pet stores 1-2 times per month; this gives our animals the opportunity to be seen, and it allows us to interface with the public so that we may share our awareness programs (i.e., Spay & Neuter commitment) to the animals they take into their homes.


"My first save was when I was around seven or eight years old. Being the youngest of four, I was most often found tagging along behind one of my older siblings -- and, needless to say, it often landed me in trouble. Small town Clemson, South Carolina didn't have an animal shelter as such; stray dogs were held at the sanitation department in a makeshift pen. My oldest sister and I ventured down there one day, and we found this shaggy mutt all alone and with no humans around. We knew what we had to do -- we sprung him! Brucie -- as he was known from that day forward -- was my best buddy for many years to come, and mom did not find out 'til I was well into adulthood that he really didn't "follow us home"!! I guess this was the beginning of my criminal history, as well -- never mind!

My husband and I both have a love for all the furry kids in need of homes, and we've taken in many over the years. We have always rescued from shelters or adopted from unwanted litters. We don't have two-legged kids, so we treat our four-legged ones like they are our babies. We started fostering for rescues about four years ago while sharing on social media -- all the things an animal lover does these days to help save lives. We even bought a house with land so we could house more dogs and give them room to run and play. The next natural step seemed to be starting our own rescue and partnering with someone as crazy about animals as we are -- thus BRAVEHEART ANIMAL RESCUE was born."

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